Kamis, 24 Januari 2019

Epic Game Of Thrones Battle

This feature is not available right now. please try again later.. The crew on game of thrones is going above and beyond to bring fans an epic, spoiler-free final season. the show is reportedly shooting multiple decoy endings and giving actors earpieces instead. As fans yearn for some fiery dragon action from the eighth and final season of game of thrones, spoilers and nuggets of news are bound to come out — like the 55-night shoot for a battle scene.

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Does everyone remember game of thrones? the quaint little show we all last seen a new episode of almost two years ago? you do? good! while promoting his upcoming film i think we’re alone now. Game of thrones is about to once again raise the bar for depicting battles on tv. for the hbo drama’s sixth season, the producers have filmed the show’s most epic battle sequence yet.. The expansive story of hbo’s game of thrones is about to come to a close with season 8 which means conflicts will escalate further as the series continues to top itself. with every season, the climactic battles have only gotten larger and more expensive to shoot. there was the battle of blackwater.

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